Friday, February 12, 2010

I'm going through the motions

I'm going through the motions
It's over but still hopeful that what I know to be true will just go away
However, it won't cause there is no more us
Now, there may be an occasional phuk for a few months after this but that's it

I'm going through the motions
I reached out, repeatedly those final attempts to make things right
But, that's a no go *shrug* I guess I can't win 'em all
I hate cliche's but "It is what it is"
I wish it wasn't
I'm tired but this one serves me right
I needed a few lessons and God was sure in teaching me them

Don't ignore your gut
Stay away from other people's property
Don't make someone a priority when you're just an option
Stay true to who you are; if you have to change drastically just to appease there's a problem.

Lesson's learned Boss; it won't happen again, promise you that

Don't ignore your gut
Stay away from other people's property
Don't make someone a priority when you're just an option
Stay true to who you are; if you have to change drastically just to appease there's a problem.

I'm going through the motions
I'd wish they'd leave me alone
Never again, it's a wrap!
We done, in more ways than one.

I'm going through the motions, but although I loved him-I know I love me, even more.
I can't keep giving my all for a 'lil bit nothing.
Being the optimist that I am, I know better relationships are to come.
Patience! Grass hopper, be patient.

Ehhhh! I'm just going through the motions...
This too shall pass

Bx 176

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