Sunday, April 19, 2009

Perception (Young & Restless)

I'm young but I'm not stupid; I understand the difference between right and wrong.
I know good and I know BAD, been there done that!

Perception is a damn good seductress; she can convince a blind man that he can see. It's true, I've seen her in action. I'm young but I'm not stupid; I understand the smart, the overly smart, the too smart and those that are dumb as a brick. I understand and battle with moral and immoral actions, daily.

Perception is a damn good seductress; she can make light in the darkIt's true, this chick is bad!
I'm young but I'm not stupid; I understand everything isn't for everybody especially my everything.I know honest and dishonest, I hear from them daily.

Perception is a damn good seductress; she makes the miniscule seem larger than life when it shouldn't be. It's true, I'm sure you've been through it I'm young but I'm not stupid; I understand decency, self respect and overall good character.I know fact from fictionPerception is a damn good seductress; she makes everything surrealIt's true.

I'm young, but I'm not stupid and I make sure that I sieze the day-to thy own self be true!

BX 176

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